Mad Facts Graphic

Bringing Awareness to Oil and Gas Concerns in our Communities

MAD-FACTS (Moms and Dads - Family Awareness of Cancer Threat Spike) is a group of residents and families who are bringing awareness to oil and gas concerns in our communities that affect our health and wellbeing. Whether you are impacted by oil and gas development, or are concerned about health harms and rare cancer cases, we’re here for you.

Are you a resident of Cecil Township, Pennsylvania?

Tell Cecil Township to increase protections for residents living near fracking!

Share your concerns about the oil and gas ordinance by writing your Board of Supervisors! When you sign, your Supervisors will automatically receive this letter from you via email.

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Want a MAD-FACTS yard sign?

Let us know by signing up! We will deliver!


Upcoming Events

September Community Meeting

September 24 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Ready to find out more?

Sign up for our email list to receive updates on MAD-FACTS, ways for you to take action, and alerts for upcoming events. When signing up, select that you are interested in MAD-FACTS, as well as how you like to be contacted. After signing up, you'll receive an email confirmation.

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